Friday, May 17, 2019

Fabulous Friday Technology Tip(F2T2)- Final Edition

Congratulations!! Summer Break is ALMOST   here!!!!

You have 1 full Monday + a few more days afterwards!!! I truly hope that you have gained a tool or tip that has assisted you and your students with technology integration this school year. Please provide feedback regarding this year’s Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2via the Feedback Link ( or reply to this email. Please be sure to be signed into your APS Google Account to provide feedback

This is the “Final Edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2). The Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2) will be revised with an entire new look in the fall!! Be on the lookout for updates!!


As I close the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip of 2018-2019, I want to take a few seconds to wish all of you a VERY joyful summer vacation!! Whatever plans that you have for the summer, I hope that they are restful and that you get to spend some quality time with family and loved ones!  Enjoy your break, rest and relax!!! I can’t wait to see you in Fall 2019 with a plethora of positive possibilities and wonderful opportunities!

(If you have problems opening the links within Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the links into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the resources. Did you miss a tip/tool in a Fabulous Friday email or looking for a tool from the emails? Please bookmark this link ( to access previous tips and tools.)

Friday, May 3, 2019

Fabulous Friday Technology Tip(F2T2)- Volume 6- 32nd edition

Congratulations!!The first Friday of  May is here!!

Good morning!  
Can you believe it?? May is here!!This is the 32nd edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2) that shares technology tools and resources that can be integrated into your daily lessons, unit plans and classroom centers. 
As your school’s Educational Technology Specialist, I can support you with:
  • Training on New tools for the 21st century classroom
  • Collaboration & Planning with Individuals/Teams
  • Co-Teaching a lesson using technology integration
  • Observing a Technology Lesson
  • Technology Resources/Tools Training

Did you know that Minecraft for Education has an app? Microsoft has created hundreds on lessons integrating the creativity of Minecraft into state standards.  Check out the Minecraft for Education website ( to access the lessons and activities.  IT’S FREE and can be accessed throughout the summer!!!   Additional Questions? Email me for more information!

As we move closer to the summer, don’t forget to remind your students about their library cards and online access to books, movies, music & more!! All users have access to a variety of free resources such as e-books, audiobooks, magazines, movies, courses, tutoring, music, an expansive digital library, job resources, GED resources just to name a few. To access, login to APSMyBackpack and find the app for ClassPass @APS. Your login is your Lawson Number and your pin number is changeme. Please check out this quicksheet on accessing this phenomenal resource!   Additional Questions? Email me for more information!

As we continue to guide our students down the road of success, please click on the request support link located within my signature line if you would like support with integrating technology tools (i.e. Interactive Board, iPad, Chromebook, Web 2.0 Resources) within your lessons. Make sure that you are signed into your APS Google Account to access the request link below! I look forward to the endless possibilities that the collaboration and integration of technology will provide us with reaching all of our learners.