Friday, May 15, 2015

Fabulous Friday Technology Tip(F2T2)- Volume 2: Final Edition

Congratulations!!!Five days left!!! I truly hope that you have gained a tool or tip that has assisted you and your students with technology integration. Please continue to provide feedback regarding this year’s  Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2via the Blog or email. 
    This is the “Final Edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2). This edition shares free resources from the Reading Rockets website( Reading Rockets has packed a "Virtual Beach Bag" of activities for teachers to help families get ready for summer using enriching summer activities. Educators will find materials to download and distribute as well as ideas and resources to offer to students and parents to help ensure summer learning gain rather than loss. 

    Don’t forget!! 
    The Instructional Technology Department offers a variety of Professional Development Courses during the summer. Please see the attached document for more information.

    Please login to MyPLC ( and register. I look forward to seeing you!!

    (If you have problems opening the links within Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the links into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the resources. Did you miss a tip/tool in a Fabulous Friday email or looking for a tool from the emails? Please bookmark this link (  to  access previous tips and tools.)
    Please continue to have a positive and productive day!
    Educational Technology Specialist

    Friday, May 8, 2015

    Fabulous Friday Technology Tip(F2T2)- Volume 2: 34th edition

    Congratulations!!  The Countdown Continues!!!!
    Good morning! 
    This is the “34th edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2T2) that shares technology tools and resources that can be integrated into your daily lessons, unit plans and classroom centers. The next few weeks of (F2T2) will contain tools and resources for students to use during the summer.
     The first resource is Ten Marks Free Summer Math Program( The free TenMarks Summer Math Program builds a strong math foundation and reduces summer learning loss for grades 1 - Algebra 2.
    In celebration of Georgia Stem Day, the second resource is The Ultimate STEM Guide for Kids ( ) This website lists some excellent K-12 links and arrange dozens more by age and interest. From games and apps to summer camps, contests and career advice, you’ll find everything you need to spark your imagination and plan your future.

    DON’T FORGET!!!!
    Please reply to this email if you would like assistance with integrating technology into your daily lessons and activities!! If you have a resource that you would like to see in the F2T2, please reply to this email to be featured!

    (If you have problems opening the links within Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the links into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the resources. Did you miss a tip/tool in a Fabulous Friday email or looking for a tool from the emails? Please bookmark this link to access previous tips and tools.) Remember, please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance with using these phenomenal "FREE" nuggets.

    Please continue to make this a phenomenal Friday and enjoy your weekend! I am here to assist you with the endless possibilities that the collaboration and integration of technology will provide us with reaching all of our learners.
    Please continue to have a positive and productive day!
    Krynica Drake
    Educational Technology Specialist

    Friday, May 1, 2015

    Fabulous Friday Technology Tip(F2T2)- Volume 2: 33rd edition

    Congratulations!!  May has arrived!!Wink, Wink!!!!
    Good morning!  
    This is the “33rd edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2T2) that shares technology tools and resources that can be integrated into your daily lessons, unit plans and classroom centers. The next few weeks of (F2T2) will contain one resource and one tip/solution/idea for effectively integrating computers into your class. The resources for the month of May will be tools and resources for students to use during the summer.
    •  The resource for today is a SuperSites for Elementary Students( This resource has lists of websites for graphic organizers, math, music, Pre-K and much, much more! Check it out!
    • The today’s idea/solution answers the following question- 
    "How can we get all students through a one-computer center or mini lab (10-15 computers)?-Part 3
    • Post schedules, responsibilities and assignments. Many teachers list the steps the students must follow on the computer.
    • Pair students - put students with strong computer skills with those students who have fewer strengths in this area.
    • Use parent helpers to monitor and assist students.
    • Provide a basic set of activities for all students to complete and provide additional enrichment activities for those who finish quickly. 
    • Use a timer.  Each child or group sets the timer for the determined length.  When the timer rings the student quietly notifies the next child in his row and the process continues.
    • Assign Computer helpers to assist if a child or group has trouble with the computer or printer.  Teach the students to troubleshoot simple problems.  Some teachers require students to tell them the 3 things they tried before asking for help to alleviate the situation of students simply raising their hand any time they have a problem without trying to solve it themselves.
    • Demonstrate how to do a computer activity on the Promethean Board  prior to doing the activity.  Show students typical problems they might encounter and how to deal with them.Board
    • Avoid using the computer as a reward for students who finish; provide ways for all students to get access on the computer.
    • 3 day process in a lab of 10 computers with 30 students, each student is on for one day and the two days that the students are off they have other activities. This is especially useful if the computers are near the library and the students can be using the library for research on the two days that they are not on the computers

    DON’T FORGET!!!!
    Please reply to this email if you would like assistance with integrating technology into your daily lessons and activities!! If you have a resource that you would like to see in the F2T2, please reply to this email to be featured!

    (If you have problems opening the links within Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the links into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the resources. Did you miss a tip/tool in a Fabulous Friday email or looking for a tool from the emails? Please bookmark this link to access previous tips and tools.) Remember, please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance with using these phenomenal "FREE" nuggets. 

    Please continue to make this a phenomenal Friday and enjoy your weekend! I am here to assist you with the endless possibilities that the collaboration and integration of technology will provide us with reaching all of our learners.
    Please continue to have a positive and productive day!
    Educational Technology Specialist