Congratulations!! We made it!!!!
Good morning!
This is the “19th
edition" of the Fabulous Friday Technology Tip (F2 T2) that shares technology tools and resources that can be
integrated into your daily lessons, unit plans and classroom centers. Today’s Tip
focuses on taking a few seconds to wish all of you a VERY happy holiday
season!! Whatever the holiday that you celebrate, I hope that it is restful and
that you get to spend some quality time with family and loved ones! Enjoy
your break, rest and relax!!!
Registration for the Atlanta Public Schools 2015 Technology Fair has
been extended to January 15, 2015. Please see the information below.
CLICK HERE to access the online
registration form.
(If you have
problems opening the links within Internet Explorer, please copy and paste the
links into Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the resources. Did you miss a tip/tool in a
Fabulous Friday email or looking for a tool from the emails? Please
bookmark this link to access
previous tips and tools.)
Remember, please let me know
if you have any questions or need assistance with using these phenomenal
"FREE" nuggets.
Please continue to make this a phenomenal Friday and stay
warm! I am here to assist you with the endless possibilities that the
collaboration and integration of technology will provide us with reaching all
of our learners.
Please continue to have a positive and productive day!